Hemera pole dance studio Health & Safety Policy – Corona Virus.
Hemera pole dance school will be opening back on the 25 of July. We are a Health & Fitness center.
When Hemera pole dance school reopen the following points must be adhered to by both employer, contractor and employee.
Social Distancing
As of the 4th July government guidelines state you must stay a minimum of 1 meter apart when working together, 2 meters is preferred however cannot always be adhered to.
Entry and Exits to the studio;
Hand sanitiser stations will be placed on entry to the studio. Signs will be placed to remind anyone entering the studio to hand sanitise before entering and when leaving.
Bins available and will be emptied on a regular basis. All Gel and wipes will be replaced on a regular basis. Staff will also be issued with their own sanitizer gel and wipes for use within the studio .
All are to wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible and for a minimum of 20 seconds every time.
Soap, water and hand sanitiser will be provided in bathroom.
Wipes and bleach will be available so that each staff member can clean before and after.
Bathrooms will be checked on a regular basis. However, if any issues staff must raise this to management straight away.
Sanitizer stations
Hand sanitiser stations with sanitiser, wipes and signage will be allocated around the studio . These will be filled on a regular basis.
All classes will need to be booked via the booking system,each class will have at least 15 mins in between. The waiting area will no be available, all members of the next class will be asked to wait in their cars or outside.
Studio Cleaning:
Poles: All poles will be cleaned before and after each class, also students will be asked to clean the in between if sharing. A 2-meter perimeter will be put in place around each equipment.
The studio will be cleaned before class, after class and in between.
Where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines in full in relation to a particular activity please see below:
Staff should work side by side or facing away from each other rather than face-to-face if possible.
Staff should increase the frequency of cleaning procedures, pausing work in the day if necessary, for staff to wipe down workstations with disinfectant.
Staff cannot congregate in break times; arrangements such as staggered break times so that staff can continue to practice social distancing when taking breaks will be put in place.
All staff should wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more at the beginning and end of every break, when they arrive at work and before they leave or use the sanitizer gel supplied.
When entering and leaving, workforce must stay 2 metres apart as much as possible.
We advise where possible masks should be worn if 1 meter is not possible or you are spotting. If you wish to wear a mask the following guidelines must be adhered to.
All masks must be changed once a day or if moist.
When putting on your mask please make sure you wash your hands before and after.
Do not share any masks.
Make sure that masks are placed in the bin once used.
Hemera pole dance school Regulations :
A full risk assessment has taken place prior to all returning to work.
Good Hygiene will be expected from all clients, contractors, and employees
Clients, contractors and employees should only come into work if they are well and no one in their household is self-isolating.
If you suspect that you or a member of your household has contracted or has been in contact with someone with Covid 19 you will be expected to use the government track and trace service. – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works
If self-isolating you will need to inform Lana or Gera. You will then be asked to go to a local test centre to get a Covid Test. Once test results are back you must share results with one of the names above. All medical information will be kept private however information may be given to staff so that we can work on a test and trace format.
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